

Our Business


Port and Harbor

We provide technical support of the ports and harbors (distribution bases) and fishing ports (supply bases for marine-products).

Port and Harbor

We work on inspection, planning, design and maintenance of harbors, fishing ports and coastal projects. We contribute to society by responding to every needs based on our long experience, achievements and technical strength. We conduct earthquake/tsunami-resistant facilities diagnosis as a proposal for tsunami protection measures and earthquake resistant measures that are necessary for preparation for assumed great earthquake disaster. Our advanced technical specialists work on maintenance and management work from survey/inspection diagnosis to establishment of maintenance management plan documents.


Earthquake Resistant Check

Earthquake Resistant Check

For harbor mooring facilities, the enhancement of functions is required for transportation of emergency supplies at the time of large-scale earthquake occurrence. In the stability check against the level 2 earthquake motion of the pier, we calculate the amount of residual displacement by “Finite element analysis of Liquefaction Program (FLIP)” considering liquefaction and evaluate the safety of the facilities.

Tsunami Disaster Prevention

Tsunami Disaster Prevention

As a tsunami countermeasure for Tokai/Tonankai/Nankai earthquakes, we need to understand which facilities are indispensable for safe and smooth use and proceed with the countermeasures at fishing ports. Based on the water level and flow velocity calculated by the tsunami simulation, we conduct the embankment stability check at the time of compressional waves and/or undertows and examine the required weight of coating block due to the tsunami flow velocity.



Approaches for maintenance and repair of port facilities are shifting from supportive measures maintenance to preventive maintenance based on planned inspection and diagnosis. We conduct periodic inspections using ICT equipment. Based on the results, we calculate the deterioration prediction/evaluation/life cycle cost, and formulate an effective and efficient maintenance plan.