

Our Business


Road Engineering

We provide safe, secure and comfortable road spaces.

Road Engineering

We conduct consulting services to provide optimized solutions for surveying, planning, designing and maintaining of road maintenance. We also work on proposals for securing the safety and security of citizens and making effective use of road stocks, such as carrying out universal design, sidewalk/bicycle running space maintenance, no-pole pillarization, traffic congestion countermeasures, accident countermeasures and guide sign maintenance.


Design of Roadways

We provide optimized solutions related to various survey, planning, designing and maintenance which are necessary for road maintenance projects to secure the safety and security of road users and improve convenience, such as widening/modifying current roads and intersections and maintaining urban planned roads. We also help reach agreement with local residents through managing workshops.

Design of Electric Cable Common Duct

Design of Electric Cable Common Duct

“No-pole pillarization” is promoted throughout the country from the viewpoint of improving disaster prevention, ensuring safe/secure sidewalk space and good landscapes. We offer optimized solutions based on the latest technical knowledge aimed at lowering costs and so on by utilizing our abundant business results, such as the design of electric cable common duct including a soft underground system and the promotion plan for “no-pole pillarization”.
Quote source:http://www.mlit.go.jp/road/road/traffic/chicyuka/chi_17.html

Design of Bicycle Paths

Design of Bicycle Paths

Due to the experiences of large-scale natural disasters and also heightened awareness of health promotion and environmental conservation, the needs and importance of using bicycles as a regular transportation has become more important. We offer optimized solutions, such as surveying, planning and designing, for creating safe and comfortable environments for bicycle users based on traffic conditions and road development.
Quote source:http://www.mlit.go.jp/road/road/bicycle/pdf/guideline.pdf

Design of Signage

Design of Signage

Signs are very important facilities for safely and smoothly guiding vehicles and people to their destinations. We offer optimized solutions that utilize the variety of planning and designing results, such as road signs on highways/general roads and tourist information signs for many people including the elderly, handicapped people and foreigners.
Quote source:http://www.metro.tokyo.jp/INET/OSHIRASE/2016/01/DATA/20q1t500.pdf


In order to continue to use road facilities safely and comfortably, it is necessary to implement a maintenance management system. In addition to repairing design of road facilities, we provide establishment support for long-term repair plans to achieve efficient maintenance management. Also, we offer various solutions such as introduction of stock management system utilizing ICT technology.